AA Meetings in Australia

Local Meetings Nearby

There are AA meetings all over Australia. Click here to find the ones closest to you.
This list shows meetings with a physical address where you can attend in person.

Enter a suburb, town or postcode
OR choose [Near me] button to use your current location.

Online Meetings Up Next

There are Australian online AA meetings happening at all times through the day and into the night. Click here to find the meetings that are on right now and coming up next.

International Online Meetings

There are also online AA meetings happening throughout the rest of the world. Click here to find international online meetings.

All Meetings

Interactive list of all meetings in Australia.
You can drill down by state, region, day , time-of-day and meeting type. Click here to see the compete list of meetings.

Search for a Meeting

If you are looking for a particular AA meeting or group, and you know it’s name, you can use this search box to find it.

Map of Meetings

There are AA meetings all over Australia. Click here to see a map of them all.

Compact Meetings List

This page allows searching for meetings using a more compact list similar to the international Meetings Guide App.
This is useful on devices with small screens.

PDF Download

Download Meeting Lists in printable PDF format. Choose by region or a list of all online meetings.

International Meeting Guide App

AA World Services provides an App for finding AA meetings all over the world. Click here to find out more.

Report a Meeting change

Tell us about new meetings or changes to your home group meeting so we can keep keep the national meeting database up to date.